I’m currently accepting new clients. Have a look at my website to see a range of services I offer. Whether you’re a new business or an already established one, then it’s time to outsource those jobs that either leave you groaning, or those jobs that are simply wasting your valuable time.
There is so much that a Virtual Assistant could help you with, ranging from data entry tasks such as adding information to spreadsheets- Adding those invoices and numbers that have come in or gone out on invoices. Yes I know you let them pile up and spend an entire day sat there inputting them yourself…but think about it, how much money have you lost out on by spending an entire day doing spreadsheets? If you can earn £50. £60 an hour upwards by consulting with clients, or getting tasks done that they pay you for, then realistically the time you waste putting spreadsheets as your priority is loosing you all that money!! Potentially thousands!
Other tasks include updates to websites. I have clients for whom I do their monthly plug-in and theme updates. Did you know that whenever a plug-in or theme update is due, it actually means that your website isn’t as secure. It leaves it open to hackers. Those updates usually contain security data that your website needs to stay secure.
What about research – What does that mean?
Well, research coves a broad topic actually. It can range from looking at your closest competitors, finding out new trends, checking out prices, to searching the internet for your anniversary present. Yes, it happens…no idea on what to get them? No problem, I’ll sort it. See it’s a win win situation.
For more information on the different tasks I can do follow this link
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