Do VA’s suffer with Hump day?

Do VA's suffer with Hump day?

Do VA’s suffer with ‘Hump day‘?

I know in all the previous jobs I’ve done, however much I loved the job, ‘Hump day’ always struck.

“Urghh, How is it only Wednesday?”

But I don’t have that feeling anymore. Wednesdays are not a day where I feel lethargic, run down or drained. I get up with the same positive enthusiasm I have to start any day.

Honestly, it’s such a great feeling working for yourself, and primarily by yourself, doing only tasks you absolutely love doing. You get to chat to who ever you want to chat to. You work at your own pace, as long as you get the tasks/jobs done then there’s nobody over your shoulder dictating to you.

Are you still doing your 9-5 with a boss who just keeps piling on the work knowing full well that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it done. Then complains asking what on earth you have been doing all day. Then it’s time to rethink.

If you’re a small business, and you finding that you are literally wearing all of the hats, then its time to outsource those jobs to a virtual assistant. The list of services I offer are on my website.

Let me know your opinion

When you have a look around my website, you will be able to see all of the different services I offer. These are the different tasks you could be outsourcing to a virtual assistant. Also, if you think of any different tasks I have not listed then please let me know via my email.

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