Need to migrate?

When your site is moved to my hosting, along with the domain names, your website will be protected with SSL. This will mean that your website is more protected, and users of your site will see from your URL that it is secure (https:// & a padlock) which means their inputted information will be kept … Read more

Trust the process

Trust the process.It’s not just a case of a client makes contact, asking for a product or service and boom there it is ready to send across. With every client initial contact is made to establish exactly what is required & any initial suggestions. Then planning, research and idea mapping (if necessary) takes place. Planning … Read more

Tips for good content marketing

Content marketing We are all aware that you need great content for success on social media websites etc. Content marketing is a long-term strategy with the main focus on building strong relationships with your target audience, giving them relevant content that keeps them engaged. By doing this, it shows that you are knowledgeable about the … Read more

Small business wellness

Small business wellness. You can become overwhelmed very quickly when running a small business. So many hats to wear all at once, and you’re not always proficient in the roles you take on. So, instead tackle one thing at a time. Learn how to do that particular task & then implement it. Make notes on … Read more

October Inbox deep clean

October inbox deep clean Getting & organised isn’t just for Spring. It also isn’t just for your physical mail or physical items. How does it feel when you open up your inbox? Does it feel like you are inundated with emails that just end up being deleted? Does it feel like you have to really … Read more

Stay on top of your day

Do you have a list of things to do as long as your arm? Does that list get significantly longer, and very little gets crossed off? Now is the time to do something about it!If you have a list, you are at least on the start line, but if you don’t and most tasks are … Read more

Audience engagement

Audience engagement Audience engagement – What would you rather have? Lots of followers on social media An audience who engages with your business Some businesses feel that by having a large audience means that they are successful with their online marketing strategy. But that doesn’t mean that the audience are engaging with the business – … Read more

The best thing about being a Virtual Assistant

The best thing about being a Virtual Assistant The best thing about being a Virtual assistant is…all the coffee. No, I’m joking. The best thing is actually being able to help small businesses evaluate and grow. It might be that you are a brand-new business, and you need support on how best to reach your … Read more

WordPress website

Your business needs a WordPress website Whether you’re needing a brand-new WordPress website, or you’re needing to have a refreshed, updated look on your current WordPress website then you have come to the right place. WordPress is the idea platform to build websites because it allows for SEO – search engine optimisation, blogging, galleries, ecommerce … Read more