Sticking together children’s book
I am so excited to announce that I have written my first children’s book. It is about a Fox who thinks he is alone, but finds out that there are others to support him. It’s a short story. Follow Fox on his adventure. Not everything is as it may seem.

I have always wanted to write, but could just never find the words. As a child at school, I found it impossible to even think of a story in my head let alone write it down. I was good at reading, but quite slow. So I don’t think the stories actually stayed in my head. Hence why I just couldn’t imagine the pictures from what the words were telling me.
As I became an adult I made sure I had time to read. Some people drink, some people smoke, but I read. Even now my children (well adults really) see me get excited when I see a charity shop, or a book shop and no sooner have I looked up they say “No Mom you have enough books already!” Chuckle.
So the more I read, the more I understood. I could now visualise picture of what was happening within the stories I was reading. It makes me wonder how many children (and adults) struggle with this. Having been a TA in a primary school, I came across a lot of children over the years who struggled to vision a story or even a piece of text. This is why it is important to keep reading, the skills will come.
So back to the book. I could see what the characters were doing. I could hear them speak in my head. So I wrote it all down and it became a story.
Now if you’re reading this and you too are a writer, but you struggle to get your story down on paper. Why don’t you consider dictating the story to a file. I can then support you with getting the story typed up. This way you can look to see what needs filling out, where changes need to be made. Enhance your story.
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and visit my website You will see that I do lots of different tasks that involve writing.