A face to a name. Good morning, afternoon what ever time it may be when you read this blog.
There’s nothing like getting a fresh hair cut to make you feel good. Normally my hair is tied back into a ponytail, and I have this silly frizz that happens making it look untidy. I’m also the one who takes the photos or moans that I dont look very good in them.
You may wonder what this has to do with anything. I have been looking at posts on here and realising that even though the work is based behind the screen, people do actually want to put a face to the name. May be its a trust thing? Yes, it’s definitely a trust thing. So over time I will be brave and post photos and videos with me in them. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ll do it. I guess we have been made to believe that a person behind a computer screen may not be trustworthy. Actually it’s just that its a place I like to work.
So today I’m confident Pam! face and all.
So every once in a while you have to take a step out of your comfort zone and take a chance. In business this may be outsourcing tasks, such as admin, data entry – anything you dislike doing that doesn’t make you money.
When you have a look around my website, you will be able to see all of the different services I offer. These are the different tasks you could be outsourcing to a virtual assistant. Also, if you think of any different tasks I have not listed then please let me know via my email.
So go on get out of your comfort zone and outsource!