We don’t grow when…

We don’t grow when things are easy.

Honestly how boring would life be if everything was easy? Everything handed to you on a plate, nothing to learn, no buzz from learning something new? No sense of achievement from something that challenged you. No thanks!

I love the challenge of learning something new, or even deepening my knowledge about something I already know.

Starting a new business meant there was lots to learn, lots to read, notes to make. Somethings didn’t work, somethings did. I read book after book (which also helped with the teaching my brain to learn again now its not the absorbent sponge it used to be).

Never ever think you’re to old to learn something new. The thing with tech, it is always evolving and there is always new stuff to learn. I am brushing up my skills with Excel. I have used Excel for a long, long time, but know there are lots of features that I am not so clued up on. SO… that’s my challenge.

So what are you going to challenge yourself with today? I’d love to hear what challenge you set yourself.

When you have a look around my website, you will be able to see all of the different services I offer. These are the different tasks you could be outsourcing to a virtual assistant. Also, if you think of any different tasks I have not listed then please let me know via my email.


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#challenge #challengeyourself #pamgouldvirtualassistant #va #virtualassistant #business #work #tech #learning

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