Need a C.V for your next job hunt?
Whether you’re on your first ever job hunt, fresh out of education, or on your what seems like millionth job hunt, I can help you build an up-to-date C.V.
I honestly thought by now companies and businesses would no longer be asking for C.Vs, but yes, they still do, and you have to fill out the exact same information on to a form. “Why Oh Why?”
The solution to this is to hire a virtual assistant to create a C.V.
How I can help
As a virtual assistant I can help advise you what information you need. I can create the C.V to illustrate your strengths, skills and values to give you the best opportunity of getting yourself the job. You can choose from various styles, which you think will best suit your personality and the kind of job you are going for. Different businesses would require a different feel depending on their business type.
As part of the package, I will allow one FREE additional job to be added to the C.V in a year. I can email you a pdf version and can also post you a hard copy to use (this gives you the opportunity to photocopy it for your requirements). Purchase from the shop
Have a look at my website, it shows you all the different service I offer. If you can’t quite find what you are looking for then send me a quick email. I am sure I can do something to support you & your business.
Get in touch to find out more information.