Setting up something new is exciting, scary and adventurous. Each feeling comes in waves. Somethings you know how to do without much thought, other things you have to look into and learn. While setting up my VA business over the course of a few days I read 8 different Virtual Assistant books – having subscribed to kindle unlimited. Some of the books were quite short, 150 pages and others were longer. But each book added a different perspective on how each author set up their own business, their tips and opinions on the right or wrong way to begin. The main thing is that they all began. They pushed past the stage where it was just an idea and made their dreams and goals a reality.
I am proud to say that I too have begun that journey. I know that I cannot rush to the end goal as I will make mistakes and that will prevent it actually going anywhere. So, one step at a time, one item off my list at a time and then I will get there.
The books I read were:
How to be a Virtual Assistant: start and run your own successful VA business – Catherine Gladwyn
The 20% rule – Catherine Gladwyn
Survival skills for freelancers – Sarah Townsend
Become a successful Virtual Assistant – Abhi Agarwala
Virtual Assistant: Take a leap of faith and start a Virtual Assistant business – Russell Davis
She creates the way – Jessica DeBry
30 day setting up as a virtual Assistant challenge – Helen Stothard
Learning Virtual Assistant business- Jesusa Kifer
It may seem a lot but its no good reading one book and saying you know it all.
There is always going to be that initial feeling of questioning yourself- What if it doesn’t work? What if I’m just wasting my time? but guess what…What happens if its the best thing you do and it works? It could be the answer you have been searching for for so long!
When you have a look around my website, you will be able to see all of the different services I offer. These are the different tasks you could be outsourcing to a virtual assistant. Also, if you think of any different tasks I have not listed then please let me know via my email.