Take the risk

Take the risk. Just about everything in life has a little bit of risk involved. For example: the projects you start, drilling that first hole in the wall for the curtain pole, or buying a second hand piece of tech etc etc.Or if you are braver than me it could be skydiving, bungee jumping, you … Read more

Imagine, believe, achieve

Imagine, believe, achieve. When the goal is something you have your heart set on achieving, you put all of your efforts into achieving it. You focus your mind and imagine what it is you want, you believe that you are going to get what you are aiming for and you achieve your goals. It’s when … Read more

Is this true?

We all have 24 hours in a day? I’ve seen this quote many times on social media, some people agree, and some people disagree. My opinion: Yes, we all have 24 hours each day, but that doesnt mean that you have got to be productive for every one of those 24 hours to be successful. … Read more

Digital marketing tasks

Struggling with digital marketing tasks? What are your pain points for your businesses? Do you struggle with SEO? Keeping that website at the top of the searches is an important aspect because as soon as you start to fall down the rankings customers will stop finding and clicking on your link. Remember just because you … Read more

We don’t grow when…

We dont grow when things are easy

We don’t grow when things are easy. Honestly how boring would life be if everything was easy? Everything handed to you on a plate, nothing to learn, no buzz from learning something new? No sense of achievement from something that challenged you. No thanks! I love the challenge of learning something new, or even deepening … Read more