Imagine, believe, achieve

Imagine, believe, achieve. When the goal is something you have your heart set on achieving, you put all of your efforts into achieving it. You focus your mind and imagine what it is you want, you believe that you are going to get what you are aiming for and you achieve your goals. It’s when … Read more

Is this true?

We all have 24 hours in a day? I’ve seen this quote many times on social media, some people agree, and some people disagree. My opinion: Yes, we all have 24 hours each day, but that doesnt mean that you have got to be productive for every one of those 24 hours to be successful. … Read more

5 call to action ideas(CTA)

5 call to action ideas(CTA) What is a CTA- Call to action? In marketing terms a CTA is a piece of content designed to make the user perform a specific action. Its often an image, a button or a piece of text that may send them to a website, a payment page, or a chat. … Read more

Do VA’s suffer with Hump day?

Do VA’s suffer with ‘Hump day‘? I know in all the previous jobs I’ve done, however much I loved the job, ‘Hump day’ always struck. “Urghh, How is it only Wednesday?” But I don’t have that feeling anymore. Wednesdays are not a day where I feel lethargic, run down or drained. I get up with … Read more

Identify your pain points.

What are Pain points? Pain points are tasks that cause you issues, waste your time, and make you feel drained. Identify your pain points. They could be tasks that you dread having to do, tasks you avoid and put to the bottom of the pile, or tasks you get done, but takes time away from more … Read more review

Free versionsI’ve been using for about a month now. I stumbled across it while watching a YouTube video and gave it a go. I had previously looked at Trello, but hadn’t kept on top of it. works in the same principle as Trello, where you create columns and in each column you can … Read more

We don’t grow when…

We dont grow when things are easy

We don’t grow when things are easy. Honestly how boring would life be if everything was easy? Everything handed to you on a plate, nothing to learn, no buzz from learning something new? No sense of achievement from something that challenged you. No thanks! I love the challenge of learning something new, or even deepening … Read more

A face to a name

Pam Gould Virtual Assistant

A face to a name. Good morning, afternoon what ever time it may be when you read this blog.There’s nothing like getting a fresh hair cut to make you feel good. Normally my hair is tied back into a ponytail, and I have this silly frizz that happens making it look untidy. I’m also the … Read more

Why VAs are good for business

Why Virtual Assistants are good for business

Why VAs are good for business Benefits of hiring a Virtual AssistantBenefit 1 – Cost.You only pay for the hours you use. No more paying wages for 9- 5 and paying for unproductive I was. No one works solidly for eight hours exclamation I use time tracking software for accuracy.Benefit 2 – no office requirements.I … Read more